Lindsay has a psychotic break, Mel checks out, B & J are left with infant

Jul 25, 2015 09:00

I'm trying to remember what this fic is.
Lindsay gets pregnant - using Brian or Justin's banked sperm - in Canada.
She hides her pregnancy.
She has some sort of mental breakdown around delivery time - maybe she has twins?
Mel is stuck with Lindsay in a mental hospital, baby(ies), Jenny Rebecca and Gus.
Mel and the kids come to Briton, but Mel checks out on the infant(s) - but relocates to Pittsburgh.
I think Lindsay checks out entirely and moves to an artist's colony in Arizona or New Mexico.
This sound familiar to anyone?

ETA: found quickly by nochaser_12 Broken Dreams by Julesmonster.

justin has wealthy bf or patron, lindsay has mental breakdown, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, pairing: justin/other, b/j raise a family, protective brian, mel & linds share kids w/ b/j, reunion fic: post-513, mel & linds separate or w- others, justin hurt or down a well, author: julesmonster, b/j live at britin, justin living in nyc, b/j in the hospital, abused justin, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, justin fathers mel's or linds' child, justin unsuccessful in nyc, post-513

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