Justin ill in another city, Emmet knows but Brian doesn't

Jun 17, 2015 23:12

Hi evereyone,
I read a fic where Justin went in another city after being trown off the Kinney cliff, Philadelphia or Chicago probably, and became successfull.
He became ill with something serious, may be to the bones or nerves, and Emmet knew about it and visited often, but Brian doesn't but I seem to recall it's because he never asked.......
I'm sute that when you tell me the title I'll be like...OMG I KNEW IT.... but right now I absolutely need your help


FOUND but if you really insist on suggesting fics with a plot similar to this one, I'm not complaining ;)

justin has fibromyalgia, justin doesn't move in with ethan, reunion fic: general, b/j watch tv or movies, rage party, bombing at babylon, friendship: justin-emmett, brian lifts/carries justin, protective brian, b/j live in another house/city/country, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), friendship: justin-oc, justin leaves brian, strong justin, justin gets hit on, justin hurt or down a well, b/j health scare or issue, author: saturn, justin supportive of brian, b/j with a trick, brian hurt or down a well, b/j jealous, b/j in the hospital, cancer fic: brian, b/j and that ol' cliff, justin attends dartmouth, liberty ride, hiv or aids, brian says "i love you", justin has panic attack or seizure, b/j fight

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