May 01, 2015 18:08
Hi all! I´m looking for a fic where Justin has an asthma attack after running from Sap´s party and faints on the streets. He´s surprised because he hadn´t one in long time. I remember also that it was AU and he was at Sap´s party spying on Sap or something. I´ve read this fic long time ago and can´t remember the name. Please help.
FOUND! Thanks to nena20. Link inside.
justin at sap's party,
justin has allergies or asthma,
protective brian,
b/j injured,
strong justin,
b/j different professions,
b/j thinks the other is or may be dead,
brian says "i'm sorry",
justin is kidnapped,
b/j police/private eye/federal agt,
b/j work together,
b/j held hostage,
fire fic,
author: vamphile aka epicallytired,
brian says "i love you",
b/j encounter homophobes,
b/j drunk or stoned