Hello, you are a resourceful community and I am having trouble finding a fic so here it goes.
1. This is post-5x13. Emmett is broken up with his new beau and he starts hanging out with Brian since the rest of their friends are paired off and busy. One night they get drunk and Brian starts pining over Justin. He calls him and is distraught over Justin not being there and tells Justin he loves him. Emmett realizes how affected Brian is over Justin leaving and Justin ends up deciding to come home. It's a one shot. FOUND by
dayumm_gal To Build a Dream on
http://www.qafcaps.com/queereyes/fic/tbado.html 2. Any well-written fics where Brian gets overly emotional in front of people. It can be deliriously happy or crying/visibly upset or whatever. It can be angst or crack!fic (like Blissed by Valerie Lewis) or anything in between.