Oct 04, 2014 11:24
The first fic I am looking I can't find it anywhere. It is called "In this life" by IcedCupcake and I would really appreciate a link to this story.
I recently read Love-by-date by Severus divides into H. There is only one chapter so far, but it is really good and everybody should check it out. So i am looking for fics, where Brian and Justin are married and one of them wants a divorce (preferably justin)and the other refuses (preferable brian)
reunion fic: general,
daddy fic,
movie or tv tie-in but not cross-over,
pairing: justin/other,
b/j raise a family,
justin leaves brian,
author: icedcupcake,
death fic: major character,
brian hurts justin & has to win him back,
custody fic,
b/j rings/married/wedding/partners,
pm/email requester or commenter for copy,
author: bj_sling aka sling,
author: predec2,
deleted fic