Looking for 1) Online link to Kondo 2) Fic Where JT Goes Into Protective Custody & Moves Away

Aug 01, 2014 02:29

Hi everybody! I’m still updating my list of the best QAF fics and need some help. Thanks in advance!

1)   First, I’m looking for a link to the Kondo Series by Inner Justin & Ryosato. I have a PDF copy of the story but the link I had for the story is no longer working. I tried Aly’s GIH Mirror and couldn’t find it and also combed through the tags. A lot of people have said that it’s saved in Aly’s GIH Mirror but for some reason I just can’t spot it. Is it there and I’m just missing it? If it’s not there, does anyone have a link? I’ve tried the wayback machine and it didn’t work for me and I’ve tried looking elsewhere. It’s not a huge deal. I just like to include links to the stories I’m rec’ing so people can easily read them.

2)   Also, I’m looking for a specific story where Justin ends up going into some kind of protective custody (maybe?) and he ends up moving out of state to live in an artist commune. Brian goes to visit him and he has grown his hair long and has a beard. I think Brian gives him a puppy for his birthday, but am not sure. I honestly don’t remember any other details about this story, so if anyone has any idea what this story might be I would greatly appreciate some information!

ETA: The Kondo Series *can* be found in Aly's 4-Shared Mirror if you look under the Collaborations folder and search for Inner Justin & Ryosato. Request #2 is "A Light Shining Through The Darkness" by Bigdogz09 found here: http://www.midnightwhispers.ca/viewstory.php?sid=1646. Thank you so much ravenly265 for the speedy reply! :)

justin moves back to pitts from nyc, download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar, b/j tattoo/piercings, anti-ethan, pairing: justin/other, gus is gay or bi, novel length, b/j have scars (physical ones), kidnapped or missing, author: bigdogz09, b/j live in another house/city/country, reunion fic: post-513, justin hurt or down a well, author: inner_justin aka nyrak20, death fic: minor character, justin living in nyc, author: ryosato, b/j jealous, b/j live at britin, abandoned wip, brian fucks michael, reunion fic: 308 or post-ethan, b/j in the hospital, far in the future, gus is a teenager, author collaboration, b/j makeover/haircut/grow facial hair, b/j and that ol' cliff, justin fathers child via sperm bank dona, post-513, carl

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