Justin has a baby girl named Belle and meet Brias when shopping

May 03, 2014 14:26

Hi, i am desperately looking for a great fic i read long time ago. Justin has a baby girl named Belle and meet Brias when shopping. Both of them are rich and successful. Belle loves Beauty and the  Beast movie and tries to force Brian to dance with her. Does it ring a bell?

WOW! It was fast! I love the community. Thanks for help.
and here we go:
Here is a post from a year and a half ago. All the links are in there. http://getithere.livejournal.com/1912121.html

justin fathers kids w/ ofc, reunion fic: general, daddy fic, b/j go shopping, ben sick, death: original character, strong justin, justin is wealthier than brian, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, death fic: minor character, justin living in nyc, b/j sex interrupted or walked in on, gus is a teenager, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, justin raising kids, brian says "i love you", justin living in la, brian worries he's a bad dad

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