tough!love fics

Mar 07, 2014 18:56

I am looking for some fics where BK is a bit meaner than in canon and JT grow the backbone to face him.
I like stories where BK pushes people to be the best they can be, something like Glowing Rooms by ohmyjetsabel and Ethan's back by jane2005.
I'll be grateful for any suggestions :)

Found something good!
It's If you needed me by Myrna.
Thanks to wouldbedorothy and Red.

author: allie_quixotic, hurt-comfort fic, download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar, pairing: justin/other, b/j travel, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), strong justin, brian cries or emotionally breaks down, justin hurt or down a well, prom deja vu, b/j blind, b/j surgery, michael, voyeur or other pov, reunion fic: 308 or post-ethan, b/j in the hospital, friendship: justin-ethan, romantic fics, author: myrna, tumor!fic, b/j has brain tumor, ethan, b/j fight, cancer fic: justin

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