season 4 three chapter fanfic about Brian's suicide

Feb 18, 2014 23:03

Brian commits suicide and Vic's soul (god? his guardian angel?) shows him Justin's life without him. Brian decides not to die.

I remember that Justin leaves Pittsburg one week after the funeral. He leaves teddy bear Gus at Brian's grave. He leaves for New-York. He is beaten there and returns to Britin half-paralysed. He doesen't have sex any more and talks only to Gus.


author: galeandrandy, s-4, b/j in a coma, b/j injured, b/j reclusive, brian cries or emotionally breaks down, death fic: major character, justin hurt or down a well, b/j save the other's life, death: temporary, gus calls justin dus/dad/dj/etc, brian hurt or down a well, vic, anti-michael, b/j overdose, holiday: christmas, far in the future, b/j in the hospital, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, cancer fic: brian, brian mentored by or confides in vic, brian says "i love you"

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