Justin / Brian age Reversal

Jan 30, 2014 21:46

So I read this fic a long time ago, I think it had a sequel, but anyways Brian and the liberty gang were younger, Brian and all were actually in high school, Brian still had the same attitude about relationships but Justin was the "adult" and falls in love with him regardless. It's pretty much QAF in reverse. I have been looking for this fic for ages, so if anyone has any ideas. Thanks bunches!!! -FOUND

Thank you so much for such a quick reply!! I'm off to read!!!

b/j in car crash or hit by car, b/j ages reversed, b/j injured, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), author: kachelofen, justin is wealthier than brian, death fic: minor character, b/j jealous, b/j younger than canon, au, justin not a virgin, b/j in the hospital, friendship: brian-michael, b/j work together, justin owns/rents a loft or the loft, b/j go to physical therapy, friendship: justin-daphne, kip

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