Lindsay has twins, loses her mind, then Mel shows up at J/B's door with the kids

Jan 24, 2014 19:42

Me again...

Looking for a fic in which Mel shows up at Brian and Justin's door with not only Gus (and maybe JR) but with twins Lindsey has as well. Lindsey is in the hospital a little out of her mind and Mel couldn't handle that and the kids at the same time. Plus, she has made no "connection" with the twins


justin has wealthy bf or patron, lindsay has mental breakdown, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, pairing: justin/other, b/j raise a family, mel, ben sick, protective brian, mel & linds share kids w/ b/j, reunion fic: post-513, mel & linds separate or w- others, justin hurt or down a well, author: julesmonster, justin living in nyc, b/j live at britin, b/j in the hospital, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, abused justin, justin fathers mel's or linds' child, post-513, justin unsuccessful in nyc

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