Justin has a drunken barebacking encounter in L.A.

Dec 08, 2013 15:19

I believe the story is told in alternating POVs. Justin goes to L.A. and during his stay has a drunken bareback encounter (maybe he finds out the guy is positive? I can't remember). He doesn't want to tell Brian about it, but when he comes back to Pittsburgh and won't have sex with Brian, Brian thinks he's cheating again and gets upset. I think that in the end, Justin tells him what happened. He gets tested and doesn't have HIV. I read it over at Archive of Our Own. I can't remember if it's a recent story or not. It was super well-written.

ETA: Found! The story is From a Safe Distance by bigboobedcanuck

P.S. Mods, I forget: Do I do the tags or do you guys?

s-4, b/j hold hands, hurt-comfort fic, gus, angst, hunter, justin hurt or down a well, b/j health scare or issue, brian visits justin in la, reunion fic: la, b/j with a trick, b/j thinks the other cheated, friendship: brian-daphne, author: bigboobedcanuck aka keira, friendship: brian-hunter, brian cuddles dammit!, brian says "i love you", hiv or aids, brian worries he's a bad dad, b/j drunk or stoned

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