Three fics where b / j are famous actors or singers. Stories where Brian finds Justin as a child./

Sep 09, 2013 06:54

I am looking for the following stories b / j
1) - Brian and Justin is an actor is hired to be his assistant. Brian is very arrogant and Cynthia is helping Justin in his work.
2)-Justin is a successful singer and Brian is the owner of record. Justin has a relationship with Ethan feels very jealous of his success. It is an anti-Ethan and anti-Michael.
3) - Brian and Justin are actors in a successful TV show. They fall in love, but must remain in the closet because of their careers.
I know I read these stories for some time. Unfortunately not remember the name of same and the name of authors.
I also try to find stories where Brian Justin as a child.

I remembered other details about the stories I'm looking for:
1) - Brian meets Justin, when it stumbles on the carpet and Brian is fascinated by the body of Justin. He is scared that Justin and treats badly. Michael's adoptive brother Brian, but is in love with him.
2) - Ethan and Justin are living together and Ethan is diverting earnings from Justin with his career. Brian discovers and tells Justin, but he does not believe what causes a big fight between the two.
3) - This story is almost an inversion of reality. All of the show are in it as if they were actors. The show's fic has some similarity with the original show. Not a RPS (Gale and Randy are not in the fic.).
4) - I would like the suggestion of other stories where there is this kind of meeting, besides those in the tags, if possible.

I appreciate everyone's help.

History 3 found. Unfortunately, not available. View comments.The first story was found. Link in comments.1 and 3 found. Still looking for 2. I remain interested in stories that Brian finds Justin as a child.

author: mandagrammy, friendship: justin-michael, not found, anti-ethan, b/j rockstars or musicians, author: meredeth, author: blanca, au, b/j actors or models, abused justin, abandoned wip?, b/j meet as kids, pairing: justin/ethan, friendship: brian-cynthia, justin is fat or slightly overweight, b/j secret relationship/marriage, deleted fic, friendship: brian-ben

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