Hi everyone! Lovely evening! Any-who...I am looking for a story where Justin has adopted a bunch of HIV+ kids and Brian and him are raising them in Britian together and more and more keep showing up, it was a long story and absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I remember something about a social worker showing up while Justin was at his studio I think and Brian was home with the little ones because they were sick maybe and she had an infant little girl and Brian called Justin basically saying "Aww shes so cute and tiny and pink, can we keep her? Can we keep her? Oh please!'
So if someone could help me find that I would be eternally grateful!
Also, I tried to find a tag to see if there was one for Betas and there probably is one but I couldn't find it. I currently have like ten stories in progress of being finished, just started and all the in between works. I was looking to see if anyone would be willing to be a sound board because I get stuck sometimes and need someone to just babble at to see if I am heading in the right direction or am going completely off the grid. Well, and then there is the issue with my grammar and punctuation, I pretty much suck at both and need someone to do a few little look overs to help me not look like a bigger idiot when I post them. I hope asking for a Beta and or sounding board was okay here. I really just need some help.
Thank in advance for the help on helping find the story.
And if anyone would liek to help with my stories, we can email or something. my email is ..... bkjtmmcmnoregrets2013@outlook.com
HIV+ Story has been found!!! Link in comments! Thank you so much