Jul 18, 2013 22:52
Good evening one and all!
I was looking for one specific fic where Ben ends up leaving Michael for Em. I can't remember a whole lot about it beyond that aspect though… However here is what I do remember: the story was centered around B/J and was rather Anti-Michael, Michael's behavior is what will cause Ben to end up leaving him.
Sorry I know that might be rather vague :( but I thank you all greatly for your time.
Thank You,
FOUND: Recs in comments
b/j go to vermont,
author: rizabeau,
author: 7wildwaysup,
author: edom56,
b/j raise a family,
novel length,
non-con or dub-con,
justin leaves brian,
brian cries or emotionally breaks down,
active wip,
pairing: emmett/ben,
brian calls justin "baby",
gus lives w/ brian and justin,
brian fucks michael,
holiday: christmas,
holiday: thanksgiving,
b/j rings/married/wedding/partners,
abandoned wip?,
justin living in europe,
justin fathers mel's or linds' child,
b/j secret relationship/marriage,
b/j break up temporarily,
b/j drunk or stoned