Gaedhal's fics

May 06, 2013 19:03

Mods, I apologise if this is an inappropriate post: please delete it if I'm stepping over any lines.

I've been following Gaedhal's latest QT stream, Coup de Foudre, only guess what? It looks like it may not be completed because of all the hostile comments the author's been getting because - get this - people don't like it being a B/J story! They're all sick of Justin, apparently, and Gaedhal's beginning to wonder if it's worth going on in the fandom if tastes have now swung so far that nobody wants to read anything B/J centred.

I don't want to kick off any Brian v Justin arguments, only to say that if you've enjoyed Gaedhal's wonderful fics then perhaps you could express your appreciation before we lose another great author from the fandom.

Sorry again if I shouldn't have commented on this here.

author: gaedhal

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