The one where Justin and Brian have a secret code?

Apr 12, 2013 00:11

Hi! First time posting, long time lurker, okay maybe only like a month, month and a half but still that's a long time right? And Mods? I hope I am posting right, if not please tell me and I will fix it.

Okay, so it is driving me nuts and I am probably only drive you all nuts too because I only remember that Justin was scared to talk or make decisions on his own or something. It drove Brian crazy I think but he was calm and sweet when he tried to come up with a way to have Justin's voice heard so Justin started to tap Brian's thigh? That is literary the only thing I remember of the story. I am so sorry.

I hope someone out there remembers this story.

And I don't know what to do with the tags, sorry mods. I will fix it if there is something wrong, I swear.

EDIT: Story Found! Link found in comments!!!

brian gets revenge, hurt-comfort fic, gus, novel length, protective brian, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), hustler justin, justin hurt or down a well, b/j go on a date, b/j homeless or on the streets, b/j jealous, brian talks about his childhood, b/j work together, author: lovelesssouls, friendship: justin-daphne, ptsd, brian cuddles dammit!, anti-craig, b/j hold hands, b/j in car crash or hit by car, b/j wait to have sex, b/j acting out fantasy, angst, brian lifts/carries justin, author: tagsit, justin interns/works at brian's ad agncy, b/j injured, b/j talk in bed, au, b/j in the hospital, abused justin, ben, author collaboration, emmett, b/j have nightmares

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