QaF Timeline Question - B/J's Birthdays

Mar 14, 2013 07:54

I know, I know, trying to establish a QaF timeline is like trying to push a rope uphill. I don't need a definitive answer, but a general consensus would be awesome. What months would Brian and Justin's birthdays be in? We know Brian's was at the time of Justin's prom. Justin and Ben shared a birthday, but when? I have my thoughts but don't want to muddy the water with them. TIA!

UPDATE: Thanks for the perspectives! General consensus for Brian is May. May, 1971 according to a screen cap of his deathday cake from his 30th. Specifically the 21st, according to a report from an original script. Justin is less clear, but either December, 1982 or March, 1983.

fandom: episode info, holiday: birthday, fandom: general inquiries or trivia

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