Justin and Brian live in a house, one of the girls lives in the garden to keep the children save

Feb 24, 2013 14:11

Another search reminded me of a story that I read years ago. so it's nothing new. unfortunatelly I also can't remember much.

I only can remember that Brian and Justin lived together in a house. In the garden of this house was also a little guest house, pool house or somthing like this. at last it was big enough to live their.

Mel and Linds had a big fight and one of them was to blame (unfortunatelly I can't remember who was the bad one in this). Brian and Justin suggested that the "good" one lived in the little house in their garden, to keep Gus (and I think also JR) save.

I also think this story was either longer or had a few chapters.

EDIT: Story was found. Link is in the comments

b/j phone sex or sexting/cybersex, b/j see ethan post-308, linds, b/j in car crash or hit by car, b/j fears/phobias, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, b/j go to canada, justin finds out b came to hospital, b/j go shopping, protective brian, b/j injured, b/j fuck on plane or in airport, mel & linds separate or w- others, b/j health scare or issue, brian buys a new car, b/j with a trick, b/j have rough or angry sex, anti-mel, justin living in nyc, b/j live at britin, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, author: vamphile aka epicallytired, b/j and that ol' cliff, friendship: brian-lindsay, joan dies, justin drives honda element, pairing: hunter/molly, post-513, justin has panic attack or seizure, b/j have nightmares, b/j drunk or stoned

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