Divorced Gus falls for a man

Jan 13, 2013 14:16

I read a wonderful story about Gus. When Brian and Justin are on holiday, Gus, who was drunk after his divorce from a woman, went into Babylon and picked up a man. Emmet stopped him leaving with the man but another night a then sober Gus went into Babylon and picked up and left with the same man, who he fell in love with. This sent all sorts of shivers through the group of friends starting with Gus' parents but Gus stuck to his man and the relationship worked.

Thanks in advance if anyone recognizes my convoluted description.

Love from 6frog

Found:- Gene Pool is the wonderful fic by Mickiebg Thank you so much every one who rushed to my aid, I love that story.

ensemble fics, daddy fic, daphne, gus, b/j raise a family, gus is gay or bi, novel length, brian quits smoking, b/j travel, gus is an adult, b/j vacation fic, b/j with a trick, b/j jealous, b/j live at britin, justin fathers daphne's child, far in the future, gus fic, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, author: mickiebg, b/j aging: gray hair/glasses/etc, anti-lindsay, post-513

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