Justin cheats post-513

Oct 19, 2012 16:08

Hey everyone,

I'm searching for this post 513 that's written in first person and you think that Justin is walking in on Brian with a trick at the loft and they fight but then they make up and have sex in the shower but the last line indicates that the entire thing was actually from Brian's POV, and it was Justin with the trick. Does anyone know what this is? I thought it was a challenge at bj action but I can't seem to find it there either. Help!

Thanks guys!

found! http://qaf-challenges.livejournal.com/32460.html

hurt-comfort fic, justin cheats after b/j committed, far in the future, holiday: christmas, pairing: justin/other, b/j raise a family, comm: qaf_challenges, angst, author: kachelofen, author: cindy aka cindybaby, post-513, b/j committed & then one cheats, b/j fight, b/j with a trick

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