Ohmyjetsabel's lj friends-only or deleted?

Aug 25, 2012 13:28

Hello everyone! Glowing Rooms is one of my favorite fanfics, but when I recently went to ohmyjetsabel's lj...none of her content was available. I can still view her userinfo and it says she has tags and journal entries, but when I click to view them, only the backdrop of her lj shows up. I've tried various browers and the result is the same. Does anyone know if she friend locked her journal and I missed the memo?

I know she was working on a few fics and last I had seen, updated on June 23rd.  I checked her author tag on here too, but came up with no answers.

Thank you! <3

update: thank you for the prompt responses! duffy_60 pretty much confirmed that the journal is friend-locked and its_french provided a link to Glowing Rooms on a different site.

update2: ohmyjetsabel responded to this post, yay! She graciously added that it is okay for readers to pm her to be friended if they want to read her awesome fic. Thanks for dropping in jetsabel...its wonderful to know that you're still writing :). 

hurt-comfort fic, b/j wait to have sex, reunion fic: general, friendship: justin-emmett, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), strong justin, bashing or post-bashing, justin hurt or down a well, b/j with a trick, b/j partner discussion, death fic: minor character, kink: frottage, author: ohmyjetsabel, what if?, b/j live in nyc, b/j meet or reconnect as friends first, f-locked fic/journal, brian moves to nyc, ptsd, justin has panic attack or seizure, archive of our own/ao3

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