Justin Dreams About Brian

Aug 22, 2012 18:33

The fic I'm looking for is where Justin ends up running a truck(?) into a business and ends up in the hospital. He dreams of Brian being in trouble when an earthquake happens in Los Angeles. Brian is there to purchase Vanguard and has the cheque in his briefcase. Only thing is is that the dream is real and Justin is awake during this time. Brian ends up in the hospital and dreams of Justin being in an accident but he has trouble getting out of Los Angeles until Gardner helps him. This story is really weird in the sense that you don't know who's dreaming and who's not.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just to let you all know I looked under all the tags that pertain to this story and didn't find it. (4 hours searching)

Update: I would like to thank qafkathy03 for finding Cherished. Thanks.
Here are the other works to the series: Cherish The Moment and Cherished: The Best Moments of Their Lives

b/j drugged by someone, pairing: justin/other, novel length, b/j go to canada, b/j in a coma, protective brian, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), justin hurt or down a well, b/j thinks the other is or may be dead, b/j have rough or angry sex, b/j homeless or on the streets, amnesia fic, death fic: minor character, b/j jealous, b/j in extreme weather/natrl disastr, author: brianawriter, brian bottoms, b/j in alternate reality/parallel unvrs, friendship: brian-ben, b/j financial crisis, b/j in car crash or hit by car, condom mishaps (broken stolen etc), brian lifts/carries justin, justin interns/works at brian's ad agncy, toppy!justin, non-con or dub-con, b/j injured, b/j has tuberculosis (tb), violence, brian cries or emotionally breaks down, b/j save the other's life, b/j live at britin, au, b/j in the hospital, plane/train/boat crash or disappearance, author: jule aka jule1122, pairing: justin/ethan, b/j makeover/haircut/grow facial hair, kip, friendship: justin-hunter, justin has panic attack or seizure

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