Brian asks Ted to help in a game.

Aug 08, 2012 00:47

Okay... Because you are amazing at remembering even the smallest details, so I'm sure someone will remember this story.

Basically, the only thing I remember about it is that Brian plays a game online, where you're supposed to figure out clues to get to the next level. He gets stuck, yells Ted to come to his office and help him figure it out. And threatens poor Ted quite horribly if he tells anyone.

So, yeah... :D

FOUND! 'Twas  The Perfidious Lover (chapter 7 to be precise). Thank you!

author: hsbfc/ohamelia/emily, b/j hold hands, pairing: justin/other, b/j play scrabble or other games, friendship: justin-oc, brian queens out, b/j hickeys, brian hurts justin & has to win him back, b/j go on a date, b/j meet a former boyfriend, b/j jealous, ted, justin not a virgin, b/j work together, friendship: justin-ben, justin drives car that is not an element, brian gives justin head, b/j drunk or stoned

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