abused justin story...

Jun 19, 2012 18:35

All I can remember about this particular story is that its set while Justin is with Ethan (I believe) and Ethan is abusive...one part is where after Justin gets beat he calls Brian and yells "hospital" into the phone before he passes out and Brian comes to get him...

Anyone know the story??

Thanks in advance!!


author: cyn aka roz well, lindsay has mental breakdown, daddy fic, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, anti-ethan, pairing: justin/other, b/j raise a family, protective brian, b/j injured, reunion fic: post-513, violence, justin hurt or down a well, b/j health scare or issue, brian calls justin "baby", death fic: minor character, author: julesmonster, justin living in nyc, reunion fic: 308 or post-ethan, b/j in the hospital, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, abused justin, pairing: justin/ethan, justin fathers mel's or linds' child, brian says "i love you"

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