Looking for Angsty Pro-Justin fics

May 22, 2012 16:54

I’ve been extremely busy so I’ve been downloading stories to listen to on my Kindle. I’ve stopped and erased any story that has Justin portrayed as the guilty party or ‘the little shit’ for leaving Brian at the Rage party, because they usually go downhill from there (Hmm, rant much).

I’m looking for Angsty Pro-Justin fics. I’ve read all of Besame’s, Sapphires’, Nightvision55’s, and Sungaizing’s, recently. I even read all of Galeandrandy’s and Predec2.

I have eclectic taste so it can be any general story as long as it fits my criteria of Pro-Justin. It’s not that I am anti-Brian; it’s just that I have too many fics where Brian is treated as a God and Justin is the minor character that orbits around him. I want to see some MUTUAL RESPECT, but I am having a difficult time finding it in a lot of fics.


brian's cancer returns, b/j paralyzed/wheelchair, author: kris, brian asks justin to come back or stay, b/j go to therapy (alone or couples), b/j both tops, author: susan k james & nj pax, movie or tv tie-in but not cross-over, pairing: justin/other, author: scatterheart, author: dollparts aka heathen6feetdeep, historical au, strong justin, justin hurt or down a well, b/j health scare or issue, justin supportive of brian, brian hurt or down a well, friendship: brian-michael, brian bottoms, abandoned wip?, crackilicious, rape fic, b/j fuck in front of mirror, justin living in la, author: rizabeau, author: rizabeau fic index, scifi/fantasy/supernatural/mythology, angst, blindfolded!hustler!justin, toppy!justin, brian opens kinnetiks in cities not nyc, author: ragingpixie aka tinkerbell, violence, author: bryton4ever71, reunion fic: la, brian visits justin in la, b/j fuck at debbie's, stroke!brian, au, justin fathers daphne's child, reunion fic: 308 or post-ethan, b/j in the hospital, b/j 3-way w/ daphne, author: conzieu, b/j go to physical therapy, cancer fic: brian, b/j live in la, b/j have nightmares

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