Justin hurt saving gus

Mar 16, 2012 17:20

In this one, Brian, Lindsey Michael and Gus are at the mall. Michael is supposed to be watching Gus while Brian and Lindsey are buying a gift for Gus. Michael isn't paying attention and Gus almost get hit by a car but Justin runs out and saved him. That's how they meet Justin. I read this ages ago and no idea where.
Much thanks for any help.

FOUND! Many thanks.

amnesia fic, b/j pretend relationship/marriage, b/j in car crash or hit by car, au, abandoned wip, b/j in the hospital, gus, justin saves gus' life, b/j in a coma, b/j meet a different way, b/j injured, justin leaves brian, brian hurts justin & has to win him back, author: bj_sling aka sling

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