Mel spanks Gus - Brian gets very upset?

Mar 14, 2012 18:25

Hi all,

Im trying to remember this story where Mel (or maybe Linds?) spanks Gus. Brian finds out, though I'm not quite sure if he is there when it happens or if he finds out about it later somehow.... I think maybe Gus misbehaves when he is with Brian and gets scared that he is going to get spanked? Either way Brian gets really upset. The story wasn't anti Mel/Linds from what I remember (she didn't hit Gus or anything), I think Mel is quite thrown by Brian's reaction...

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

ETA: A few suggestions in the comments, but not the story I was thinking about... I think the story I am trying to remember might be the same one where Gus breaks a glass vase at the loft despite having been told repeatedly not to touch it... Or, I might just be mixing stories up now...

ETA 2: Story now found! It is "A Touchy Subject All Around" by Melanie (downloadable from 4shared)

abused brian, abandoned wip, gus, author: pookieookieooh/melanie/goldigger, author: bailey, abandoned wip?, protective brian, download: gih fic folder link @sidebar, family: mel-linds-gus-jr, author: tammy, author: nightvision55, carl, brian worries he's a bad dad

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