Feb 22, 2012 16:31
FOUND SOME I just finished reading Kiss me Alright by Cleverdevil.. truly adorable autistic justin fic... Lindsey is Justinn's psychiatrist in here.. also Ben... Blake is a nurse/aid... wonder if there are IN CHARACTER fics where Brian is a Psychiatrist to Justin.... I've read Doctor Brian Fics already...=D hopefully there are good Brian mind healer out there somewhere..=D
please help!
hurt-comfort fic,
b/j go to therapy (alone or couples),
claire is a loving sister,
b/j is or has been suicidal,
b/j have scars (physical ones),
b/j meet a different way,
non-con or dub-con,
author: meredeth,
brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc),
justin hurt or down a well,
b/j health scare or issue,
author: wildsweet_angel,
death fic: minor character,
prison fic,
b/j in the hospital,
brian talks about his childhood,
abused justin,
friendship: brian-mel,
b/j med profession (nurse/doc/emt),
b/j have nightmares