Brian or Justin Break up with another character and get together

Jan 01, 2012 12:16

I've read so many stories where Brian and Justin are with someone else, whether it's Ethan or an OC, and the boyfriends are complete jerks who obviously don't deserve Brian or Justin.

What I am in the mood for is stories where although Brian or Justin's boyfriends treat them well and truly love them, B or J realize that they only want the other and they break up with the boyfriend.

I would prefer complete stories or stories that have at least been recently updated. And Brian and Justin must get together.

Please and Thank You.

Edit: Some stories found. Links in comments.

reunion fic: general, pairing: justin/other, b/j meet a different way, b/j are neighbors, author: meredeth, author: bdeviled, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, b/j w/other to start but end up together, author: scoobygang8, abandoned wip, au, b/j live in nyc, author: sandra gia, b/j meet or reconnect as friends first, pairing: brian/other with emo attachment, pairing: justin/other w/ emo attachment, pairing: brian/other

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