Justin meets Vic first?

Oct 26, 2011 22:08

Anyone know of any fics written to match my subject line? I've read a few where Justin meets Lindsay and Mel, Debbie, Michael, even Emmett and Ted, before he meets Brian. And there are an uncountable amount of fics where Justin is related to Lindsay or Emmett, etc., But I don't recall ever seeing one where he meets Vic first. I was re-reading Rizabeau's 'Songs In The Key of Love' series and I love the way she wrote Justin and Vic's relationship, which made me curious if any such fic(s) exists.

Also, any fics where Justin and Vic develop a father/son relationship would be great as well.

ETA: There's a couple of recs in the comments, but would love more!

vic, author: lupin111, justin is an angel, author: moonshadow woman aka elsa rose, au

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