I hunted through my computer for BJfic net stories and have uploaded a file of stories from that site. Explanation and links are behind the cut.
I know there has been a lot of interest in the qaf fics that were previously available on bjfic net. I recently received an email asking if I had any of the fics from the site. I do but I couldn’t remember which ones were from bjfic net. At one time I did have a listing of all the authors that posted there and while looking for that list I came across a folder on an older computer that has just bjfic net stories in it. I completely forgot I had downloaded all these stories intending to go back and look through them and just keep the ones I wanted.
I have zipped the file and uploaded to sendspace so that anyone who wants to go through the folder can pick out the stuff they want. The main folder is labeled “BJfic Net Copies”. Inside of the main folder are alphabetic folders a,b,c,d, etc. Inside each folder are stories by authors that start with that letter. You will find a few folders missing a,b,p, and q. Apparently I did clean out those folders so those stories are now in my regular alphabetical authors folders. If I can remember which authors where in those folders I’ll come back later and provide another link with those stories as well.
A few notes:
There are 537 stories and 26 folders in the zip file.
The sendspace account is a permanent account so the links will be good for a long time.
None of these are edited.
There may be a few stories missing the author’s name on the file but the author’s name should be in the story heading when you open the story.
There are incomplete [tbc] stories in the folders as well as completed series.
I think most of the incomplete series have a tbc somewhere in the title.
These are a mish mash of fics as I just copied bunches of stories that looked interesting on the site. Some of these stories are now available on live journal and other sites as well.
I don’t remember when I downloaded the stories but it was at least a year or more before the site went down.
This is one time my procrastination paid off.
New link as of 6-13-2014. This is a direct link the the bjfic net #1 download
BJfic Net Stories… ENJOY!!!!