PWP and Emotional Justin?

Sep 18, 2011 16:51

Hey i'm looking for two types of Fics...

1. I was wondering if there are any PWP or genral stories where Brian carries Justin whilst having sex, or they have it up againest a wall but Justin is in Brian's arms... I'm in the mood for something like that, i love the idea that Brian would Carry Justin like that...

2. which brings me to the other request i'm looking for any fics where Justin is Upset or hurt and he just needs to be in Brian's arms, maybe Justin intrupts Brian at work or something i don't really mind, again i like the idea of Justin being so upset that Brian has to carry him places, or where Justin has become really clingey...

I don't mind one shots or longer chaptered fics
thanks For
 your help!


hurt-comfort fic, pairing: justin/other, brian lifts/carries justin, novel length, b/j fuck raw, b/j injured, author: ragingpixie aka tinkerbell, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), b/j w/other to start but end up together, schmoop, author: dleigh aka qafanatic, b/j attend formal event/business dinner, b/j vacation with the gang, b/j have flu/cold/minor illness, author: myrna, b/j monogamous, author: darksylvia aka leah claire, author: predec2, brian says "i love you", pairing: brian/other

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