Brian gets mistaken for a sex ed teacher and Brian POV 220?

Apr 24, 2011 10:57

Firstly Happy Easter to Everybody!

So i'm looking for two fics:

1. Brian gets mistaken for a teacher or something like that and goes to Justin's class and talks about sex and stuff, i remember that hobbs was in the class making rude comments and then Brian asked them to name pleasure spots and afterwards write down a question and he read out Justins. does anyone know what i'm talking about?

2. Are there any fics that are Brians POV in 220 when Justin is stripping off and Brian is watching him in bed, and then after when Jusitn is in his arms and Brian is stroking his arm?, or maybe any where Brian and Justin talk in this moment and don't break up???

Thanks in Advanced!

FOUND:  No. 1: Miss Inexperienced by Violette7 on Midnight Whispers

brian speaks to justin's health class, author: freakykat aka katherine cruz, st. james academy, s-2, angst, author: violette7, gapfiller, s-1, author: ashmedai

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