Brian Can Dance

Apr 22, 2011 15:22

Hi everyone!

I recently sort of remembered this story I must have read just after finding LJ... I didn't find it in the tags, so I hope someone will recognize it from my blurry memories.

If I recall correctly it was written as a response to a few Brian-can't-dance intervention stories. It's set at the loft, and somehow the subject of Brian's less than stellar dancing comes up. Brian claims that he can dance all right, but prefers Justin doing it and just hanging on. He's proving it in a sort of role reversal with Justin leading but otherwise holding back and letting Brian go all out and some hotness ensues. I think it ends with Brian saying, "We're not doing that at Babylon" and Justin replying, "Of course not, we'd need a chair" or something along these lines.

I think there might be something more to it than that - I seem to remember a conversation about the source of Brain's ballroom dancing abilities - but I might be mixing up two stories.

Does that ring a bell for anyone?

Thank you!

EDIT: FOUND! It's Reconstruction by luceononuro

author: luceononuro, brian can dance

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