Post 513, Justin moves on, Brian begs him back

Apr 21, 2011 12:12

Hi guys!

Is there any fic where after Justin moves on after 513 and has a boyfriend/partner, Brian as the stalker, well, in his way, begs him back? I know the "stalker" or "beg" thing is not that BK, but i really want to see begging! Brian... like, Justin being serious with the boyfriend doesn't want to come back to Brian at first, even though he knows he still loves him.. i mean, how can he not!  lol

I don't mind angst, as long as there is a happy ending!

Thanks soooo much!!!

author: scoobygang8, brian asks justin to come back or stay, reunion fic: general, abandoned wip, pairing: justin/other, author: myrna, brian fucks ethan, b/j has brain tumor, pairing: justin/other w/ emo attachment, author: nightvision55, brian hurts justin & has to win him back, b/j w/other to start but end up together, ethan, cancer fic: justin

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