Mar 22, 2011 21:31
Hi there,
I'm looking for a fanfic where Brian and Ben are in a committed relationship. I think one or both of them are doctors or something along that lines...
They go to babylon one night and Justin sees Brian and doesn't belive in long term relationships or something and he tries to befriend Brian.
I think Brian goes over to Justin's house one night and he can't handle alcohol and gets drunk easily and Justin and him make out.
Brian and Bens relationship starts to head south and Brian runs into Justin's arms but the first time Justin tries to make love to Brian, Brian backs out saying something like "your not Ben".
I think eventually Ben dies and there is a sequel to the story where Justin and brian try and get to gether.
death fic: minor character,
pairing: brian/other with emo attachment,
pairing: brian/ben,
author: brianawriter,
b/j w/other to start but end up together,
b/j med profession (nurse/doc/emt)