B/J fic centred on Justin's birthday

Mar 14, 2011 14:54

Hi all -

Looking for something I thought I'd bookmarked. It shows Justin's birthday over several years and the different ways Brian behaves. I think one year Justin blackmailed him into being the perfect boyfriend all day, then another Brian ignored him so he went to a lesbian bar??

I remember it being great. Love to find this specific fic but others with similar structures are also welcome. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Found- Twenty through Twenty-Eight,link in comments. Thanks to all who replied :)

author: fansee, death fic: minor character, author: julad, challenge: milestones, author: altsunthinkable, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, comm: qaf_challenges, 5 things fics (or 3 or 4...), humor, brian gives justin head, b/j break up temporarily, post-513, holiday: birthday

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