Most canon-friendly gapfillers

Feb 22, 2011 01:02

Hello, I'm looking for gapfiller fics that are so canon-friendly that could easily be a part of the original story. I know that there are a LOT of stories that would qualify, but I'm looking for most outstanding compatibility.

UPDATE: Suggestions from the comments:
Some are better than canon
* Gapfillers with presequel by Morpheus. The post-seasons fics are AU though (because of "when" they were written).
* Gapfillerpalooza by severina2001
* Gapfillerpalooza by twistinside82
* Missing Moments, by InconspicuousBunny
* Gapfillers by Erin
* Ethan's qaf fiction PDF file 

author: ethan aka xhaleslowly, gapfiller: flame's list, author: inconspicuousbunny, author: erin/negativeerin/mercury rising, author: twistinside82, gapfiller, author: xhaleslowly aka ethan, author: morpheus, author: severina2001

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