Brian/Justin decides out of the blue to wear wedding ring

Feb 07, 2011 22:36

Good evening, Neverland!

I'm wondering, are there any fics in which either Brian or Justin starts wearing his wedding ring out of the blue (due to a realization or mood or whatever reason really), surprising/puzzling the other(s) with it?

Could it be that I've read a fic like that a long time ago or is that just wishful thinking? I am going through the 'rings' tags and memories, but so far, I haven't found anything that matches what I'm looking for.

Recs pweeeaaaase!

Edit: Received some recs, thank you, but maybe there's more fics that match my description?

amnesia fic, author: suzvoy, author: besame_bj, author: bigboobedcanuck aka keira, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, author: biku_desires, author: catcayman, author: severina2001

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