AU; B/J meet after season 5

Jan 02, 2011 01:56

Someone asked on queer as folk's imdb page about this, but no one had an answer and they haven't seemed to ask about it here and it intrigued me... anyways this was their description:

It's a really long story, based on what if Brian didn't meet Justin until after Season 5, and that's where their story picked up, when Brian was 33 and Justin was a student at Dartmouth. I remember in the beginning Brian gets into an argument with a past trick that asks him if he's a little old for this, since he must be 35, Brian goes home with the thought of overdosing and meets Justin in the street. It's an AU story, and I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks for any help!

Edit: Found super fast! Link is in the comments

b/j meet a different way, justin attends dartmouth, author: gaedhal fic index, au, author: gaedhal

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