Lookng for Porny Kink Fics and That Darn Gus Series

Sep 10, 2010 17:30

Hey guys, I'm in a kinky mood so I'm looking for some porny fics!

1. Any story with Brian fisting Justin...I know, super kinky!
2. Gah, super awk! Stories with Brian giving Justin a facial. 
3. Kinda random after the porn but I'm looking for That Darn Gus Series which include hot august night, gay friday and a couple of other ones. I used to just read it on mournthewicked's lj but I think she took them off!

Anyways, thanks ahead of time!

Gettin some recs but they're not enough! Give me more! .... please!

Still looking for the last series of Hot August Nights! The part of That Darn Gus Series where Elliot dies his hair back to blond and him and Gus have a little cute romance thing on the beach where they realize they want to be more than friends! Please Help!

author: theconservatory aka plumsuede, kink: fisting, author: brandnewloser87-carly-_mournthew, author: ashleigh kinnerson, gus fic, author: hephaistion-lo, gus is a teenager, brian bottoms, gus is gay or bi, pm/email requester or commenter for copy, kink: double penetration, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, author: plumsuede aka theconservatory, pornilicious

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