Looking for : Wanting by Keisha and dirty talk fics

Mar 23, 2010 00:44

Hi everyone!

I've 2 requests, hoping someone could help me

1. I'm looking for a fic called Wanting by Keisha7. Well to be correct I know it's in her journal, but is f-locked, so is there anyone who knows any other place to read the fic?... Don't get me wrong, I did friend her and send her a message, but it doesn't look like her LJ is active.

2. In a more general request, I'm looking for fics that contain good, in character...dirty talk...in multiple chapters...*blushes*... so any recommendation is welcome.

Thank you people.

Good night. and good luck.

- Diana.

Wanting by Keisha7 FOUND (she friend me back,lol.)  and there are links in the comments.

author: keisha7

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