Looking for fic: Brian sleeps with client (reluctantly)

Mar 12, 2010 07:03

Hi everyone,

I remember reading a fic in which Brian has sex with a client even though he isn't really interested, because he feels pressured to do it because he needs the account. I don't remember whether he has his own agency at the time or is working for someone else. I do remember that he is definitely in a relationship with Justin and it's not future-fic, so possibly S3/S4 era. I had thought it was something to do with London but I've read most of her stuff recently and I couldn't find it. Any ideas?

I'm interested in this fic in partcicular because it's really well written, but I welcome recs for any other fics where Brian faces this situation and ends up actually doing the deed.

Thanks in advance!

FOUND: I Know What You Wished For by Lane Carson. Another rec also in comments.

Any other recs still very much welcome!

author: lane carson, author: thyme aka oasis, brian has sex with a client

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