Brian breaking down scene

Dec 11, 2009 21:09

There's this fic that I keep replaying one specific incident but can't remember much of anything else. Brian has this sort of... breakdown in front of the family where he retells everything that happened during the bashing including how he felt, what he saw, etc. I remember that before this scene took place they were at the rage party and one of the dancers was bullying Justin because Justin didn't want to sleep with him. It made Brian extremely furious because the guy hit Justin's head against a brick wall. Ben and Michael were present through all of this.

Someone help, It's been driving me nuts the past couple of days!


Edit: The fic is Name Your Wish by Just Visiting. Thanks so much you guys!

author: justvisiting aka visitingagain, author: mrsbeck, brian cries or emotionally breaks down, author: strongatheart aka britin, author: britin aka strongatheart

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