stories by Melanie

Dec 07, 2009 01:40

I would like to read the stories written by Melanie, but I have found just link that doesn't work on
Have Melanie an account lj?
Some of the fic that I am looking for are:
1- Hospital stay ---> found! send PM to me chimerachan
2- Rub the sore spots --> found! send PM to me chimerachan
3- The fall of Brian Kinney ---> found! link in the comments
4- Justin's own prince charming --> found! link in the comments
5- Anyone can make scrambled eggs --> found! send e-mail to me or federicos (e-mail in the comments)
If there are no other sites where to find them, does someone have a copy or upload in another archive?

Thanks in advance!

pm/email requester or commenter for copy, author: pookieookieooh/melanie/goldigger

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