Stats/permissions/yay totally recycled from last journal

Dec 18, 2011 20:05

Age: Probably 28 unless she's lying which is quite possible.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105lb
Medical Info: Ivy is barely human. Her metabolism is pretty much unrecognizable, and viruses, bacteria, fungi and toxins cannot harm her. On the other hand, fire, salt, or lack of sunlight or water will severely weaken and eventually kill her. Basically: plant!
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Auburn.
Physical traits: Tiny, graceful, seductive, most commonly seen in skintight swimsuit-type green costume and tights.

What's Okay To Mention Around Her: ...if you've harmed a plant in camp and want to live, don't mention it to Ivy. Otherwise anything goes.
-Plant control: Ivy can control plants, as the name suggests. She can make trees reach for people, get vines to lift them...she can also create small hybrids without a lab; if she has a lab, she can craft almost anything from plants.
-Plant growth: ...she can make plants grow fast.
-Plant empathy: THERE IS A THEME. Ivy has a very strong bond with flora of all descriptions and can feel their pain or joy. Plants 'speak' to her, and she can speak through them. She can tell if someone is walking through her forest - and all forests become 'hers' pretty fast; the range of her empathy is about one acre, but can increase if she sets up base in an area. This does not mean she'll harm anyone who ventures into the forest, but she'll know they are there.
-Systemic antidote: Being not!human, Ivy cannot be harmed by things that would kill a human. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and poisons are safe for her.
-Poison touch: Ivy is capable of secreting poison in her skin and especially her lips. She can change her metabolism to increase its power or to make it neutral (or cure her own poisons if necessary), but needs a bit of warning. If a character touches her unexpectedly, they will probably end up slightly woozy and possibly hurting a bit where they touched her. She gave Harley some kind of shot so 'we can play and [Harley] won't get sick at all' uh. Just good friends, really!
-Pheromones: More secretion powers! Her body produces pheromones that make her incredibly attractive. She appears to be able to turn this up a notch at will to effectively brainwash people.
-Wall-climbing: Like her namesake plant, Ivy can...climb stuff. But she tends to get plants to lift her.

These powers will not be used on you without explicit OOC permission. You can always say no.

Ivy often uses her powers relating to plants, and will lash out with poison or pheromones if she feels it is necessary. She is canonly not that interested in harming humans unless a) they are hurting her plants; b) they are part of an Evil Plan; c) they are outright attacking her or Harley; d) they are being REALLY REALLY IRRITATING. If you want to do any of these things (except be irritating because I can totally roll with that on the fly), I'd really appreciate a headsup so we can work out what you're willing to allow Ivy to do in retaliation.

Notes for the Psychics: She's always, always thinking about plants. She may also be contemplating various other elements of botany, toxicology, or horticulture. You may be able to sense the Green (all plants, everywhere) in her mind.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm not sure about bodyswaps - talk to me; attacking is okay but give me warning and expect Ivy to fight back.
Hugs/kisses/body contact: TALK TO ME Ivy can poison you with a touch and, if startled or irritated, is likely to do precisely that. On the other hand, she does enjoy topping people with badtouch.
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me first! Expect revenge!
Cooking: She can make salad! Cannibal. ...Harley says she can cook, because Harley can't and Ivy has a surprising domestic side. Oh canon.
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