Application for Holloway's Keep.

Jul 19, 2011 11:43

Name: Marbles.
Age: Three thousand. Or sixteen. Take your pick.
Journal: marburusu.
Contact: PhantomMarbles.

1. Character's Name: Link.
2. Fandom: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
3. Time Frame: Link gets pulled right as he and Tetra float back up to the surface of the ocean, after having just defeated Ganondorf.
4. Age: Mentally, Link has been thirteen for half a year. However, his body lags nearly an entire year behind him, thanks to the Elegante, so physically he is a few months into being twelve; just as old as he was the day he arrived.

5. Background:
Here is a very condensed version of his history. Should you need any clarification, I have one in much more detail here.

Link is an elf kiddo who grew up on a tropical island with his little sister Aryll, and his grandmother. On his twelfth birthday, Shit Got Real and Aryll was kidnapped by a giant bird monster thanks to the pirate captain Tetra, a girl that took over her mother's position as the leader of her crew after her mother's death. Thus, Link left his island and started an adventure on the Great Sea to save his sister, which eventually evolved into a huge quest to SAVE THE WORLD. After his first attempt to save Aryll failed, Link was introduced to Ganondorf, an evil Gerudo man with the Triforce of Power who was aiming to conquer Hyrule, the ancient land lost under the sea when the Goddesses attempted to stop him from Gaining the entire Triforce; The Triforces of Power, Courage, and Wisdom. With the help of a mysterious boat, it was up to Link to stop him! Oh no!

After gathering the three Goddess Pearls and travelling to the Tower of the Gods to prove himself a True Hero, Link descended into the ancient Hyrule to retrieve the Master Sword; the only weapon capable of slaying Ganondorf. In a 100% shocking turn of events, Link managed to save his sister, but was unable to defeat Ganondorf. Turns out, the sword lost its ability to banish evil when the two sages empowering the Master Sword were killed. Oops! Also, Tetra was revealed to actually be THE Princess Zelda, weilder of the Triforce of Courage, and for her own safety she was locked away in Hyrule's castle so Ganondorf would not be able to reach her. Link then travelled to both temples of those former sages, awakening their present incarnations to regain the legendary sword's magic.

However, Link still had to locate and collect all of the fragments of the final Triforce piece in order to reenter Hyrule. After siphoning them all from the ocean's floor, Link returned the Tower of the Gods, where he was granted the Triforce of Courage and deemed the Hero of Time reborn! Fuck yeah! Anyway, Link went back to Hyrule and surprise-suprise, Ganondorf got to Zelda anyway and kidnapped her to his tower, so Link ended up having to save her. In the final battle, all three lost their Triforces and Ganondorf was turned to stone by Link, and the two returned to their ocean home as Hyrule was finally swept under the sea forever.

6. Personality:
Please note that this personality section contains Link's CANON PERSONALITY. The changes that have occured will be discussed in the Previous Game Development section.

Link is often considered the classic “silent hero”, as he literally says nothing throughout the games even though the other characters speak freely, except a small amount of questions and yes or no response options offered to the player (often depicted through nodding or shaking his head). Thus, one of the many ways of perceiving his character is that while Link isn’t mute (he speaks once in Wind Waker: a "come on!" response to call certain people/objects), he could simply prefer not to speak, and this is the perception I have chosen. Instead, he almost always uses other forms of communication; expressions, gestures and body language, sounds (he can shout, scream, cry, gasp, etc) , among other things. This is not to say that he isn’t a boy with a lot of words-- he is by all means thoughtful and expressive, but his method of doing said expressing may not be verbal, and he still comes across as a fairly outgoing kid with a lot to show those he befriends.

One of Link’s main attributes is of course, his bravery: he is not frightened easily and confronts danger with a headstrong attitude far beyond his years, which of course makes sense because TRIFORCE OF COURAGE, and who wants to play a game where the main character is a wimp, seriously (unless you're playing Amnesia, in which case it's hilarious)? Even when Link is scared, it is never something that overpowers him in the end, and Link actively tries and succeeds in ridding himself of any cowardice obstructing him from his goals. He is an extremely strong-willed and thorough person, which leads people to believe he can be quite stubborn, and this is definitely true when the occasion calls for it (which is usually). He is not at all someone who gives up easily, and he always does absolutely everything he can to help people and accomplish his missions-- however, he is often called very reckless by Tetra because of his tendency to rush into the fire without thinking about the possible consequences for himself. Subsequently, Link is considered a very selfless person; willing to give up his own happiness or wellbeing for the sake of those he cares about.

Link is generally well-liked over all, as he is polite and humble in attitude, and he seems genuinely willing to aid people with little tasks here and there. He is a curious boy by nature and quite sweet, something that often attracts people to his presence, as well as the deep level of understanding he seems to develop as he learns more about a person. Thusly, Link can be very empathetic and doesn't have much difficulty comprehending the emotions and internal struggles of other people-- but this can also be a weakness, because Link can easily fall for a sob story as long as it is logical (or as logical as logic is in a Nintendo game) and strikes a sympathetic cord with him. It should also be noted that Link is very "sheltered" in comparison to pretty much... every other kid his age. He's never met another preteen boy in his life (besides Komali, but seeing as how he's not human and his culture is completely different it doesn't really count for much); Link knows very little about social interaction with them, so he treats basically everyone he meets exactly the same way. Also, the fact that he's lived on an island with the same 11 people up until twelve years old means he's probably never heard of basic shit like stranger danger: he never had to learn it, seeing as how everyone knows each other and there are no unfamiliar faces. As it is, it's just a widely held flaw of his universe for everyone to be way too trusting to begin with.

While Link still has a lot of the naïveté of a little kid, he is not nearly as innocent as he should be due to everything he's had to do during his journey. He's confronted terrifying monsters and killed those monsters, he's been nearly killed himself multiple times, and he's had to deal with a great amount of abandonment, self-inflicted and not. He was forced to leave his grandmother all alone and fend for himself, which means he had to learn how to be completely independent in not only every day life, but also in the dangerous situations his quest required from him. It is not a far stretch to say that Link probably became home sick often, and alongside that, he also had to deal with the guilt of allowing his sister to be kidnapped instead of being able to protect her as he believes he should. Because of this, it is likely that Link suffers from nightmares, whether about monsters, Ganondorf, or even just missing his family and friends.

As a whole, Link is a very kind and very friendly child who is always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs help, or a shoulder for someone to cry on. He is associated with the goddess Farore (because of his Triforce, obviously), though it is possible another reason he is identified with her is because of his gentle demeanor, similar to the nature she controls. It is definitely true that Link is also incredibly mature for his age when he is in a serious or dangerous situation, above all. However, he is still a kid, and has the occasional tendency to be a little childish: his gestures, noises and mannerisms are often indicators of just how young he really is.

And as experienced as Link is in life, it only goes so far for him considering his environment previous to RP games as previously stated. He's gained a lot of it from his travels on the Great Sea, but it still isn't a whole lot -- Windfall, the most populated island in the game, only had at the most 50 inhabitants. As you could probably tell, Link still has an EXTREMELY miniscule knowledge pertaining to large islands and not to mention actual land-land, and how big its numbers usually are. A village of 1000 would literally be unfathomably MASSIVE to him, so he'll likely be overwhelmed for a while once he sees how many people there are to interact with. Another example would be the fact that round-eared humans are very rare where Link comes from, the most dominant "human" race being the Hylians whom are known for their pointed ears (they also appear to be, for the most part, a little smaller in comparison). Therefore, Link really isn't used to being stared at for any reason besides his clothing, though he is used to being The Smaller One by this point as it appears he's fairly small even by Hylian standards. Either way, he definitely won't be used to any 6 footed giants coming his way.

Link is also ridiculously optimistic. He's very crafty at seeing the good side of people, and once he spots some goodness in someone he will latch onto it like a leech and never let go. He's amazingly gifted at bringing the best out out of a person too, and with the sheer patience of a goddamn saint he often befriends the kind of people who treat him a bit poorly just because he knows that ~deep inside, they're a nice person~ (ie, Tetra and Linebeck). Why he doesn't have more kind friends too is probably just Link's undeterrably shitty luck in everything life has to offer. That aside, when Link forms a close attachment to someone, he will drag himself through the dirt to hold onto them, fighting tooth and nail if he has to. He is unbelievably devoted to the people he cares about and will never, EVER abandon or betray them if it is in any way possible not to. However, by doing that Link also makes himself extremely subjectable to being hurt by loved ones. Abuse or mistreatment is something he would and will readily take as a price to keep someone, and he can easily go to the extreme before he ever realizes that he's only hurting himself. Link makes himself very vulnerable to the people he loves, but that in itself is a representation of just how much trust he puts in them; he is deeply connected to that kind of thing, and trust is one of the most important things to him in any kind of relationship.

Mental: Link is a pretty smart kid, overall, and he has a talent for solving puzzles, which makes him pretty clever. So basically, Link is more intelligent than the average twelve-year-old, and he comes off as far more mature most of the time, being as quiet and observant as he is. He's also pretty good at making maps and star-charts, as well as navigating with a compass, so he's got some sharpened sailing skills.
Emotional: Link has a great reserve of emotional strength. He's determined, stubborn and passionate about staying strong for the sake of others, which makes him steel-willed in the face of adversity. He will always fight until the end for what he cares about, and his incredible courage allows him to plow through obstacles most people couldn't even imagine facing themselves. Link's greatest strength definitely lies within his heart and how much he loves others.
Mental: Link has his own dumb moments, and while he's not ditzy, his curiosity can get him into tight spots pretty often. Additionally, because Link is not very experienced with the world outside of his ocean with its little islands, there's a lot he doesn't know that most preteens do, so in that regard he's at a lower level than most of them. His education also consists of whatever his Grandma felt fit to teach him, so he's not gonna be whipping out any trigonometry or calculus, that's for sure.
Emotional: While Link's greatest strength is his love, it's also, predictably, his biggest weakness. Hurting the people he cares about is the easiest way to hurt him, and when something happens to them it just breaks his little heart. Additionally, while Link's love is what enables him to be so strong in the face of adversity, it's also what puts him in that position to begin with, and could someday prove to be his downfall.

7. Previous Game Developments:
Okay, this is where things get twisted. Link's history up until the end of Wind Waker is, in all respect, completely loyal to his canon. It wasn't until he ended up on the multi-dimensional cruise ship of horrors, the MS Elegante, that his canon history takes a serious swerve into the even more terrifying and even more outlandish. It's done a heck of a lot to put Link's life in perspective in the big old universe.

By all means, Link should have woken up floating in the ocean with Tetra. But instead, at that point he was pulled in by the mysterious cruise ship Elegante and woke up in his lovely new home, where he'd be destined to spend the next year of his life. Now, where was this boat headed? A little old place refrred to as the "Golden Shore", supposedly a utopian paradise where the passengers would have the option to go back to their home worlds, if they so wished. Awesome! Funny thing was, there'd already been other Links there before him -- not him specificially, but other warriors with strong likenesses to him whom also shared his name and destiny. Not only that, but there'd also been other Zeldas and even Ganondorfs that had been on the boat too. At the time of his arrival, there were two Zeldas and one Ganondorf. It was a real shock for Link to get used to the idea of timelines and universes colliding into one, but luckily he had help in adjusting to his new surroundings. He made some freebie friends himself thanks to the predecessing Links, one of those being Herz Hessian, who later came to be Link's best friend and parental figure on the boat, as well as the lovely Princess Zelda who grew to be his surrogate mommy.

Anyway, Link was lucky enough to arrive at basically the point in time on the ship where everything was just starting to go permanently downhill. Some crazy shit was going on thanks to this girl named Jen, a previous passenger of the Elegante. Decks were haunted, people had night terrors or went crazy, a hungry wolf roamed the halls killing anyone it desired for food. It was not a good time, but Link held steady with his little group of friends he slowly gathered over the weeks filled with fear. Link's first tragedy came when the wolf killed his lion friend Simba and he came across Simba's body. That was, unfortunately, only the beginning for Link's experience with personal devastation on the ship. Link offered a bit of help when the boat pulled together as a team and finally dealt with Jen, and for a while, things settled down. And then another Link arrived for some added excitement, however things stayed pretty good for a month or so. But of course, the happiness didn't last long.

Jinx, one of Link's acquired friends, had a knack for getting himself into a lot of trouble, and Link being the helpful, sweet boy he is couldn't resist trying to help him out where he could. This resulted in an attack on one of the Boat's most notorious residents, Erol -- which then resulted in the death of passenger Gideon and the serious injuring of Pamela and Jinx. Link managed to be the last one standing as he was trying to prevent Gideon from bleeding to death, but was taken out when Erol strangled him and threw him off the side of the deck. Luckily Link survived, but it was a pretty awful blow to his self-confidence. This was the point that Link started to realize how weak he was, not only because of his size but also because of how deeply involved he was in something so much bigger than himself -- that he couldn't be a hero anymore, or not the way he used to be. Sometimes he couldn't save everyone he loved from harm.

Link's stay was alright for a bit after that, and soon Link celebrated his thirteenth birthday, which was not really a birthday due to the fact that no one actually aged on the boat, but it sort of still counted. During this time, Link and Herz grew even closer, with many heartfelt moments and cute conversations that could melt the iciest heart. Link slowly began to depend on Herz as his stronghold, coming to Herz with his problems and feelings and encouraging Herz to share his own in return. In a way, he sort of relied on Herz for some safety; Herz is A Big Guy and way stronger physically than Link could ever hope to be, and without his weapons Link felt much more vulnerable. Still, he felt it was just as much (if not more) his own duty to keep Herz as far from danger as possible. Herz's "friend" Tanvir Harris also began to grow on Link and soon became something of an uncle figure for him, in the meantime. Though Zelda, remaining a much more stoic figure in Link's life, became one of the people Link felt he could trust with anything. Ganondorf on the other hand, took much, MUCH longer for Link to warm up to. By the end of his experience on the boat, however, Link came to accept him and forgive him, especially since he was not the same Ganondorf that terrorized Link's home previously.

So then shit got real again when none other than Tetra showed up on the boat. Link had some mixed feelings about that, happy to see her when he'd missed her so much and terribly upset that she'd been trapped by the Elegante as well. Then Zelda kind of went and got herself brutally murdered, which had Link heartbroken again for quite a while. In this period Link also had some embarrassing moments and some interesting friendships, so his life was very unstable until he hit the beginning of rock bottom: his own death. Link was actually rarely hurt by his own doing, most of it occured to him because he was helping someone else, and this ultimately led to extremely serious consequences. Trying to aid the other Link aboard at the time, Link entered The Carnival with a group of other passengers. The Carnival would be the carnival grounds turned living nightmare located on one deck of the MS Elegante where many people had been killed and maimed before, but unfortunately Link did not have much knowledge of this at the time. The expedition resulted in the death of every single person in the group except two, one of which actually slaughtered some of the other members, including Link. Luckily, The System on the boat brought Link and everyone else back to life, but not without the serious trauma of having watched everyone else die and then be killed off himself.

This sent Link into a major state of depression that continued for quite a while. Soon after, Link was harrassed by another passenger, and was oh so luckily there to witness the resulting backlash from Boat Mom Mimmi which terrified the poor child into hiding away in his room for even longer. Unfortunately, things didn't end there: much to Link's shock, he discovered that Jinx was being punished by the captain -- for having raped another passenger -- by getting his foot chopped off with an axe, which was broadcasted over the network (that could be accessed through their communicative devices). Horribly betrayed by Jinx's actions, Link ended his friendship with him after the incident.

However, not long afterwards, Link walked in on a certain someone beating Jinx to death in the boat's dining area, who turned out to be Tanvir, who'd decided Jinx's punishment hadn't been grave enough. Jinx died from the incident despite Link's attempts to save him, and Link's relationship with Tanvir went straight down the drain. After this, Link was in a state of complete misery for a few weeks. One of Link's acquired friends at the time was thankfully able to use her magic to help him work through his emotions and gradually start to get better, but a really bad argument with Tanvir later left Link into what became a sad, quiet state of what felt like permanence. It was not long after that Tetra disappeared from the boat, along with the other slowly increasing number of passengers dropping out of existence. At that point in Link's life, he felt more alone then he ever had before.

Well, sadly enough, things only got progressively worse from there. While Link managed to slightly repair some of his damaged friendships, the boat was coming to a catastrophic end. What was originally a Halloween party, everything went to hell and then entire place was attacked by a swarm of killer cardinals that killed and severely injured many of the passengers, including Link. Some trippy shit went down, where Link witnessed some seriously traumatizing hallucinations involving the destruction of his homeworld, and he was forced to "kill" the hallucination of his little sister. By the end of the whole incident, pretty much everyone on the boat was badly hurt or at least going through some kind of emotional breakdown. Lucky for Link, he got to endure both, and the death of Herz on top of that. The System was able to bring Herz back, but there wasn't much happier news than that from there on out.

Link began to carry all of his weapons, which had been returned to the passengers in full at that point, with him at all times. He also began practicing the use of a small handgun in case of absolute emergencies. Unfortunately, that didn't do him a whole lot of good once the boat truly started to fall apart -- and when I say "fall apart", I mean SERIOUSLY fall apart, Silent Hill style. The walls peeled, floors turned to grates; everything disintegrated into a bloody, rusted mess. The sky literally shattered and gave way to the sparkling red mass known as The End. What is The End, you might ask? Why, the passangers were hardly educated on the topic, but it seemed certain that it had nothing more in mind but destroying the MS Elegante and everything else along with it in an attempt to take down Captain Redd and his passengers.

So what did they do? They fought against it as hard as they could. In the end, though, the only way to destroy The End was to destroy Captain Redd, who gave himself up as a sacrifice. The End was destroyed, but with the death of the Captain and crew came the death of the Elegante as well. Though the passengers themselves attempted to steer through the endless void, they eventually dropped into the ocean and promptly rammed headlong into a motherfucking iceberg that began to rapidly sink the ship. Link, being hardly the best at swimming and prone to drowning easily, hopped on a chunk of iceberg as the remaining passengers headed towards to only piece of land in sight: the famed Golden Shore.

So, after all their struggles, the passengers finally got their well-earned, peaceful utopia. Right?

Wrong. Turns out, that in a last-ditch effort to get revenge on Captain Redd, The End paid a visit to the Golden Shore, indeed an island meant to serve as a safe refuge for all of the Elegante's passengers. Those who'd once been passengers but had disappeared were dropped, safe and sound onto the Shore to await the arrival of their friends -- but The End put a significant damper on that possibility by absolutely destroying everything and everyone on the Shore. All those other Links, Zeldas, and Ganondorfs that had come before Link? Were all dead. And amidst the piles of corpses, Link found Tetra's body. Not only that, but with this came the realization of the passengers that their home worlda as they'd known them were all completely gone. Every single person Link had ever known that wasn't alive with him now, was dead -- and they weren't ever coming back.

Needless to say, after all the pain, trauma, stress and torture Link had gone through, he didn't take that very well at all. After burying Tetra himself, Link could not bear to pull himself away from her grave, so Holloway's is going to do it for him! Yay!

So, has all of this changed little Link here, might you ask? Why, the answer is fuck yes, it has. Link has witnessed and felt responsible for the deaths of dozens upon dozens of people over the past nine months of his life, and even if that weren't terrible enough, Link's perception of what a large amount of people is is very different from the average person's -- so for him, dozens of people dying is literally almost as big as the world he's grown up knowing. Seeing just how many more were dead on the shore was horrifically traumatic for him. Overall, while Link has not become jaded, he has been severely damaged emotionally, physically and mentally over and over again, and all of that has taken a serious toll on his stability -- and unfortunately, some of that damage could very well prove to be irreparable in the long run.

Whenever he feels strong or happy or safe, he has had it thrust in his face consistently that something will always swiftly destroy that and remind him just how weak, vulnerable and helpless he really is. He cannot have anything purely good in life without it being taken away from him eventually, and Link really doesn't think he deserves to have good things. He's not nearly as good of a hero as he once thought he was -- he can't protect everyone, he can't make everyone happy and even when he's right there trying to keep them safe, he's rarely capable of actually doing that. Regardless, Link is entirely selfess still, significantly because his will to live has been drained along with the lives of those people he held so dear. Thankfully, much of his hope should be able to return with the possibility of his home world being renewed, as well as the emotional support of others.

However, that doesn't mean Link is all better by any means. He's gone through far too much not to be permanently affected by it, and much of that manifests itself in his behaviour -- he's easily frightened or made uncomfortable, and is, unbelievably, even quieter than he once was. In fact, his odd brand of silence has developed into selective mutism, described as a disorder in which a person, most often a child, who is normally capable of speech is unable to speak in given situations, or to specific people; selective mutism often co-exists with shyness or (often severe) social anxiety. This disorder literally renders him incapable of speaking under the proper circumstances, and when he is capable of speech, Link has developed a verbal tic in the form of stuttering that is frequently prevalent.

Additionally, Link suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, described as a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma, overwhelming the individual's ability to cope with tasks as simple as social intereaction, self-preservation, and daily life. His symptoms are mainly (though not limited to) re-experiencing his trauma through flashbacks and nightmares, insomnia, emotional hypersensivity and avoidance of any stimuli he can associate with the events that have rendered him "broken". After accepting that he will be stuck on the Shore for the rest of his life, Link does not react well to sudden shifts in his environment or situation. He has difficulty socializing with others and does not immediately allow himself to be vulnerable around unfamiliar people, especially those who frighten him. Regardless, Link is still perfectly capable of fighting and his courage remains strong, but his mental state is not healthy and underneath his front whilst battling, there is an alarming imbalance of emotions.

Basically, Link is really messed up, and will need as much support as he can possibly get in order to adjust and try and move on. His bereavement is not something he can easily work past, especially after the (apparently) permanent deaths of his loved ones. If there is any way to get him some kind of therapy in Holloway's... that. Would probably help too.

8. Appearance:
Link is a very tiny little boy, and actually seems to be short for his age even by Hylian standards (Prince Komali grows to be half a head taller than him, and he's mistaken by a few adults for quite younger than he really is). He stands at a sad height of three feet, three inches, which is roughly the height of your average doorknob -- or alternatively, a little taller than a meter stick. He also has the customary long, pointed ears all Hylian people share. He's surprisingly soft for a 12-year-old compared to the typical wiry, bony preteen boy, but he's also lost a substantial amount of weight (for his size) that leaves him looking even more fragile than usual. He wears his own version of the hero's clothes; the typical green hat, as well as a green tunic with a green shirt, a belt, white tights and a pair of boots that reach mid-calf. He's also taken to wrapping light bandages around his palms to protect them similarly to gloves.

His sugar blond hair is considerably long and sweeps across his face to his right. His eyes are large and turquoise, and though they lean slightly more towards blue, they can appear green as well depending on the lighting. He's paled a little, and has a small, clearly new scar dangerously close to his left eye. His features are all petite, and give him a dainty, cute look that most people find absolutely adorable.

However, closer inspection shows the tired circles under his eyes, the whitened little scars here and there all over his body, and a look in his gaze that just doesn't seem quite right and can be very unsettling. His mannerisms and voice reflect that; his high, quiet tone and frequent stuttering, as well as his withdrawn body language makes it sadly clear that there is much that's happened to him that's caused him to become the way he is. Overall, he gives off the appearance of a small child who's been kicked one too many times, yet forced to mature far faster than he should ever have to all the same.

9. Abilities:
Physical: Link has some incredible physical advantages, though it might not seem like it at first glance. Two of his most notable ones are his quick dodging skills and extreme agility; he can jump straight over people's heads, it's pretty intense. His depth perception and aim are uncanny (which makes him a great archer), as well as his endurance, meaning it takes an awful lot to KO this kiddo, which people rarely expect, and on top of this he's got some remarkable fluidity in his fighting style, which is quite handy for close-range weapons like his sword. Finally, Link's also pretty flexible and can easily squeeze himself through small spaces, so he's got a good size advantage there -- what's more is he's even amazingly adept at balance; he can tightrope-walk like a goddamn pro, often with makeshift ropes like the one of his grappling hook. He even performs maneuvers at the same time, so really, Link is a lot more like a circus boy than a warrior when it comes down to it.
Magical: As for magical powers, Link has a few! Though he no longer bears the Triforce of Courage, being a reincarnation and essentially the living essence of Farore, he has many magical gifts and abilities. He also has the Wind Waker, which lets him perform wind magic and some other strange things (god-mod abilities like changes day to night and vice versa will be nullified). He's also capable of combining elements with his bow and arrow to create fire/ice/light arrows, and he's able to glide on the wind with his deku leaf. Other than this, he's got his one magical sword attack; the hurricane spin, which momentarily turns him and his sword into a whirlwind of magically charged energy.
Alternatively, Link is shown as being really, really good at picking up on how to use new weapons and items. As in, unnaturally good, so it can be assumed that part of his magic enables him to master unfamiliar skills way faster than the average person. It also gives him some unusual immunities to dark powers, such as shadow and Twilight magic.

10. Languages: Hylian (Common), and a bit of native Rito.

11. Items:
Link's items not necessarily considered weapons are:
Anything not mentioned above, you're safe to assume have been lost. Unless there's something really important that I forgot.

12. Weapons:
Weapons Link would be carrying at the time of his arrival are:
  • The Master Sword (will be dulled)
  • A small handgun (stun pellets instead of bullets)
  • His boomerang (meant to stun rather than injure)
  • His bow & arrows (I suppose the tips can be round and dulled instead of sharp?)
It's safe to assume that anything not mentioned here is also lost.

13. Writing sample - Third Person Prose: You can find a 300+ third person prose sample right here!

14. Writing sample - First Person:
[The writing is shaky and obviously not very well thought-out, as there are scribbles and scratched out words everywhere.]

i do not understand where i am

where is this why am why am i HERE? i thought the shore was the the only place left
this is not on the shore. it can't be

where is herz or the princess? i don't know if i am even doing this right please help
i am looking for a man with short green hair and he's very tall. and a woman with long brown hair and she is tall too but she has long ears.

if anyone can see this please tell me i need to know hwere they are right now.

15. Tattoo: Circling his left ankle.

16. Room Preference: AS nearest Zelda as possible, please!

♥Marbles, %ooc, ♠sfw, %application, ♪Link

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