[failed-private. the list of a captain.]

Nov 09, 2010 20:32

-Review intel before sending it.
-Preview reports taken from the communications site. This is important.
-Tell Omaeda to fix the heaters. Himself. Maybe it'll kill him.
-Seven's getting fat. Change diet.
-Check prices of fish.
-Less fatty fish.
-Four and Two are fighting again. Separate.
-Tell the Woman's Association that the job is done.
-Six is shedding. Relocate until problem solved.
-Five is going to have another litter. Keep Abarai's mutt away.
-Find the people that assaulted Yoruichi-sama.
-Make sure Abarai's mongrel never finds her.
...-Tell Omaeda he's going to have to find kitten formula.
-Get ready to send the squad on more missions.
-To be continued.
Edit:-Find better names. Numbers aren't going to work anymore.

busy busy, no crazy cat lady here, ic

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