Gah...I totally suck when it comes to blogging lately. You'd think with all the bitching I have been doing, that I'd really blog more.
Let's start out on a positive note. I took off on a whim last weekend to Austin for Jessie's and my anniversary and birthdays. I was going to go the weekend of my birthday, but then I figured I'd have to miss two Upward Bound Saturdays, and the kids were off half a day Thursday and the full day Friday, so I blew off classes that Friday and left when the kids got off the bus Thursday. Come to find out, I don't have UB on my birthday anyway.
Anyway, we got to Austin Thursday night and picked Jessie up for dinner. Then we dropped him off (he had school the next day, swapped cars so I could get the car he's driving inspected, and went up to Mom's. The next day, Mom had a funeral to go to, so the kids and I got the care inspected and then went to visit Lucy and Gidget, the raccoons. Gidget's my little runt. They are almost too old to handle. They aren't mean...just skittish. Gidget, I think, recognized me. That or she just resigned herself to being held, but Lucy was so nervous, that I let her go back to the cage.
Then, once Mom got home, I took off to Austin to pick up Jessie for an anniversary date (our anniversary is actually this coming week). We went to the Drafthouse and saw How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. It was a poorly written film, but I cannot deny that it was funny. I lurve Simon Pegg, but I don't care for the guy who wrote the story (an autobiography). The movie started at 9:55, so we didn't get back up to Mom's until after 1.
The next day we went to Stonewall's and then went back over to my uncle's to see the coons. He'd taken them over to his friend's down the road to play in the yard during a fish fry. Gidget sat on my shoulder the whole time I was there. Lucy climbed a tree. I wish I'd had a camera. She's not fond of Alex, so she wouldn't come down until he left.
Later that day, we had dinner at Mom's with my uncle, great uncle, and great aunt. Mom made us a Jello cake. It was a lemon cake with raspberry jello. I'm not fond of lemon cake or raspberry anything, but it was still good. Jessie got a microbrewery kit and I got clothes. We finished up the night watching 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
The next day we left Mom's after lunch, dropped Jessie off, and hit the road. We got home around 10:30, I think. All in all it was a good weekend.
I'm sorta back into the swing of things with work and all...not so apathetic anymore. Unfortunately, Upward Bound started today, and I hate it. Sadly, my wages are being garnished because of a jackass company . Yes, it is my fault and I'm stupid for even getting the loan in the first place, but they are total jerks. Everyone says I should get a lawyer about the situation, but when everything boils down, I owe the money. I should have checked them out before I accepted the loan. But all that aside, I cannot afford to quit Upward Bound. I love the program and the people, but I really do not like the kids I'm dealing with or the extremely stupid scheduling that basically has me teaching two classes at the same time. The kids I don't like are a few of the same ones that I didn't care for last year, but some of them I haven't met. The problem is they are so extremely lazy that they cannot be bothered to even attempt to do what I asked of them. Part of me just wants to say, screw it, I gave them their chance and turn in the five portfolios that were actually completed and let the rest suffer (all they had to do was print out clean copies of two of their essays.
So, needless to say i was in a pissy mood today, and I'm sick on top of that. I came home and went to sleep until the kids came home. Finally, I decided to go eat somewhere. I wasn't really hungry, but I did not feel like cooking. We ended up going to Sakura, which is a Japanese restaurant where Shoney's used to be. I have to say, they have done an excellent job remodeling. The have a sushi bar, a regular dining section, and hibatchi. The also have the individual rooms with the traditional low tables. The chop saki guy made my day and the food was great, too. They went all out, too. The meal came with clear soup, salad, entree, and ice cream. The rice was extra, but the meal actually came with noodles (I've never had noodles in a hibatchi meal). I was quite happy with everything and plan to go back...maybe even next week for my birthday.